Our Handsome males


Carlos is a Panda pug. He is a very loving boy. The Panda pug is a very unique colour that passes to his offspring in many transformations including blue eyes. Carlos passes his confirmation and amazing temperament to his offspring as well.

Mr Brownstone

Mr Brownstone is a Chocolate Fawn pug. He has an extremely handsome head and lovely confirmation. He also has a sweet and gentle temperament. Mr Brownstowne is the epitome of the absolute perfect pug! He passes his temperament and stunning physical features to his offspring.


Damien is such a handsome fellow! He is a fawn pug. Damien has the definition of a perfect nose wrinkle as well as a great confirmation. While Damien has such a beautiful form he also has a wonderful temperament to boot! 


Valentino is a merle pug. He has a sweet gentle personality to go along with his great pug attributes. Valentino passes his merle colour along to his babies in varying colours. If you are looking for a unique colour you will love his babies!


Yayo is a beautiful white male pug. He has a lovely wrinkly face and a sweet personality. Just look into his eyes and you will fall in love! White pugs are a unique colour. Not only passing along his colour he also shares his wonderful personalties to his offspring.